Crow novels (fan-fiction)

there are many talented and dedicated crow-fans out there, from around the world.
This could be a place for all of you to participate on a fan-project. The count of Crow novels on the web though is almost limitless.

Each one of the authors gave all s/he could, I am sure, though I want to filter a bit.

Send me your novels, related to The Crow in any ways, but I am going to read them and decide afterwards, if the story is that great, to be published here.

Sorry if that sounds harsh, just want to make sure, that only a few, but really great and unique stories are going to be published here.


The Crow 1
The Crow 2



- Crow 1 early script (skullboy)
by David J. Schow [here]
- Crow 1 movie novelisation
by Jeanette Barcroft [here]
- Ravenchild
by Pilar Draven [here]
- Crow 1 movie novelisation
by Ramona D. [german] [here]

- Crow 2 early script (Top Dollar)
by David S. Goyer [here]
- Crow 2 movie novelisation
by Ramona D. [german] [here]
- Crow Forever (sequel coa)
by Ramona D. [german] [here]
Crossover or totally different
STH / Salvation / Comic

- Commedia Del Arte
by Gavin Crawford [here]
- Dark Angel
by Ryan Corven [here]
- Wings of Rage
by Steven J.C Bedenham [here]
- Crow 1 / Dr. Kimble Crossover
by Ramona D. [german] [here]

- Crow 3 movie script
by David S. Goyer [here]
- Crow Comic (O'Barr based)
by Ryan Corven [here]
- ep 23 of STH
by Ramona D. [german] [here]

Mail me your crow-novels and comments to: