for more paintings click here for more paintings click here for more paintings click here for more paintings click here for more paintings click here
        P A I N T I N G S
paintings, done by Ramona D. - inspired by the Crow-movies, comics, movie-crossovers, collected into a large gallery, - over 40 pieces of artwork. Start watching: [here] audiobooks read by Ramona at and

    S P E C I A L  C R O W S T U F F




very large with sounds of Crow 1 & Crow 2, STH, sayings of them, startsounds for your OS. Over 6 h of sounds! Don't miss it!

Halloween 99:
in LA, the real dia-de-los-muertos, four days of Crow-partying.

A selection of really great fanfiction, only the bests ! Gavin Crawford, J. Barcroft ...
For Crow-fan-novels click [here]

videoclips workprint videoclips workprint: [*new*]
a very rough version of Crow 1, still with the later cut scenes ! Look at the videoclips of the cut scenes and listen to the longer dialogs!
cut scenes of COA cut COA-scenes:
You don't like COA? I tell you, you would love it with the cut scenes still within! Look at pix of the cut scenes
Fan-movie fan-movie:
adaptation of James O'Barr's graphic novel, look at some snappies of it.
workprint tape of Crow 1 old mag articles: [*new*]
a collection of 35 scanned pages with interviews, neverseen pix, shooting reports (1994-96) of Crow 1 and Crow 2
     A L S O    
cemetery large old cemetery in Leipzig
L.A. cemetery cool cemetery in L.A.
Crowmona 1 Crowmonas Crow 1 coat
original COA locations Original Crow 2 locations