(the workprint-tape)

The beginning of the tape is pretty much the same as in the theatre-version, only the music is missing, no special sound-effects, no score and Sarah has a little bit different line with the Crow on the graves ...
But then ...

Eric's resurrection is MUCH longer
he is crawling on the ground for several cuts ...
... standing up and bump his head ... the Crow comes and he is in fear of the thunders and such ...
he tries to cover his head for several seconds. [videoclip of this scene] CUT: to the Arcade games ... T-Bird's crew does not only destroy the place but although has a young black woman captured and raped. T-Bird is setting the timer of the bomb and the woman watchs in fear!
T-Bird gives her one last kiss. In the meantime is Eric in the alley now ...  ... difference here: he is noticing his bulletholes with alot of astonishment after leaving the shirt in the alley.

all cut scenes as videoclips [here] all longer dialogs as soundfiles [here] continue ... -->